Feeding Cities: Fixing Cities



Moving towards a (largely urban) global population of 9 billion+, we need to be creative in how we responsibly provide quality food for all. Reducing artificial cooling (#1), eliminating food waste (#3) and transitioning to more plant rich diets (#4) are Project Drawdown top solutions. More closely linking the points of food production and consumption makes sense in terms of quality and efficiency. Local production means less refrigerated transportation and storage, whilst urban food production can have many more direct and indirect benefits from building (insulation) enhancement and repurposing, to storm water management, microclimate improvements, biodiversity support, education, community building, circular economy and more. Urban farming is plant focused and embraces cross silo innovations more so than traditional agriculture.

This video will focus on the possibilities for integrating urban food production into our existing urban areas and took a look across this diverse field from indoor climate-controlled food factories, to rooftop soil-based farms, vertical façade food systems, container-based techniques and public realm interventions. The video will illustrate synergies and spin-off benefits across a wide range of Drawdown Solutions (and SDG’s) and will reference case studies and data from urban farming systems across the world as well as cities who have adopted policies and set ambitions that place circularity and sustainable food systems at the heart of their social, environmental, economic and sustainable planning.

I will suggest how to model the impact of urban farming on the green house gas and carbon footprint of urban areas.

Conference Speaker

Chris Jones

KuiperCompagnons and Drawdown Switzerland Landscape Designer & Consultant Sustainable and Circular Economy Based Urbanism

Chris Jones is a sustainable urbanism consultant with a specific focus on urban synergies and spin-off benefits that can be embedded into the design of urban spaces with circularity and sustainable food systems at the core. Chris helps to develop strategies and designs for creating resilient developments, communities and regeneration assignments for various clients.

2019 Greenroofs & Walls of the World™ Virtual Summit

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