As with any innovation or new technology, change from initial interest to adoption takes time and relies upon various conditions* to reach widespread uptake. Small-scale green roofs have the capacity to introduce and connect a community to a more ecological way of building, demonstrating their beauty and functionality.
These projects can create a big impact by rendering ordinary structures extraordinary. Beyond their visual appeal, small-scale works can provide opportunities to educate about green roofs, sustainable design, and the need for increased resiliency in the face of climate change. They are low-tech solutions that can be implemented for a modest budget.
This presentation aims to highlight the use of small-scale green roofs in cold-climate Calgary, Canada. Illustrated through three case study projects, design-builder Kerry Ross discusses purpose, design, collaboration and challenges.
* See Rogers, Everett (16 August 2003). Diffusion of Innovations, 5th Edition. Simon and Schuster.