Walter K. Caldwell

Walter K. Caldwell

District Department of Energy and the Environment Environmental Protection Specialist and Chief of the Construction and Maintenance Branch


Washington, DC, USA. Walter K. Caldwell is an Environmental Protection Specialist, and currently the Chief of the Construction and Maintenance Branch of the District Department of Energy and the Environment. Walter was raised in the Patapsco River Watershed of Anne Arundel County Maryland. He attended St. Mary’s College of Maryland where he earned a Bachelor’s of Arts degree in Biology. He began his professional career as an environmental health professional with the Anne Arundel County Department of Health, as a Registered Environmental Sanitarian in the Community and Environmental Health, and Sanitary Engineering Divisions.

He has also worked as a staff member, consultant and volunteer for Maryland Save our Streams and the National Audubon Society. Walter began working for the Watershed Protection Division of the than District Department of Health in June of 1999, where he was tasked with developing a stormwater management best practices (BMP), maintenance inspection and enforcement program. Since that time, he has inspected or assisted with inspections of thousands of stormwater BMPs in the District of Columbia.

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