Il Giardino Verticale & l’Alternanza Scuola Lavoro Tetto Verde Sperimentale del Liceo Giovanni Keplero di Roma (The Vertical Garden & Alternative School Work on the Experimental Green Roof of the Giovanni Keplero High School of Rome)


The Liceo Scientifico Giovanni Keplero di Roma is a public secondary scientific high school in Rome, Italy. In 2015 professor Roberto Casalini, PhD spearheaded efforts to create an Experimental Green Roof along with his colleague professor Antonio Vestrella, PhD from the Leonardo da Vinci Agricultural Institute. Together with a group of 25 students, the educators completed the first vegetated roof on a school in Italy in 2016.

Their yearly team of students routinely manage and monitor the educational research green roof, and they recently added a greenwall at the entrance to the high school. Students are actively involved in both structures’ daily maintenance including cultivating; performing scientific experimentation; and the related social networking. Students sell produce in the high school and money earned at the end of the year is donated to charity.

Presented in Italian with English subtitles and along with both professors and several students, the design and installation of the Liceo Scientifico Giovanni Keplero Green Wall is highlighted in the first video followed by the design and installation of the Liceo Scientifico Giovanni Keplero Experimental Green Roof in the second video.

Conference Speaker

Roberto Casalini, PhD

Liceo Scientifico Giovanni Keplero di Roma Professor

Dr. Roberto Casalini is a professor at the Liceo Scientifico Giovanni Keplero in Rome, a public secondary scientific high school. In 2015 professors Roberto Casalini, PhD and Antonio Vestrella, PhD spearheaded efforts to create an Experimental Green Roof, which was installed on the high school in 2016 with a group of 25 students. Together with new students, they recently added a greenwall at the entrance to the high school.


Antonio Vestrella, PhD

Leonardo da Vinci Agricultural Institute Professor and Giardini & Paesaggi Principal

Dr. Antonio Vestrella is a professor at the Leonardo da Vinci Agricultural Institute. In 2015 professors Antonio Vestrella, PhD and Roberto Casalini, PhD spearheaded efforts to create an Experimental Green Roof at the Liceo Scientifico Giovanni Keplero di Roma, which was installed on the high school in 2016 with a group of 25 students. Together with new students, they recently added a greenwall at the entrance to the high school.

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