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What’s everyone buzzing about? Discover how to cool a warming planet via multi-faceted cultural dimensions of sustainability, action, and design from ground-breaking environmental designers, leaders of industry, government, and academia from across the Earth.

Watch some of our Speakers NOW, and all of them as they complete their videos & send them in – check back often:


Antwerp’s Urban Lab on Climate-Resilient Roofs to Build Strategic Capacity and Maximise Learning

Nora Danko

AVAILABLE NOW! The City of Antwerp has been promoting green roofs for about ten years – but the real breakthrough still has to occur. However, the combined area of the roofs in Antwerp has the potential to tackle urban challenges, especially if they are designed with special attention to climate aspects. By running an Urban Lab on climate-resilient roofs, Antwerp aims to learn more about applicable techniques and combining functions, initiate market development, inspire and improve its future policies by cooperating with the green sector and owners of big roof surfaces.

New Green Roof Laws Are a Major Win for NYC's Environment

Rafael L. Espinal, Jr.

AVAILABLE NOW! The implementation of the law expanding green roofs is a win for our environment, our economy and our communities. At a time when national policy seems to turn its back on our planet, it is up to cities like New York to lead the fight against climate change. To do that, we have to adopt policies that take advantage of our unique, untapped assets. I am proud to have been a part of a team of activists and communities who are working to change this concrete jungle into a green oasis.

Rainfall to Results: The Future of Stormwater

Adriana Caldarelli

AVAILABLE NOW! Adriana Caldarelli, the Director of the Stormwater Institute will discuss Rainfall to Results: The Future of Stormwater. A report completed in 2015 by the Water Environment Federation led to the formation of the Stormwater Institute and sets out a vision for a sustainable future for stormwater.

Sponge City Starts with Home Green

Kongjian Yu

AVAILABLE NOW! Sponge City is proposed as a nature-based solution to retain, infiltrate, and cleanse water, meanwhile creating landscapes that provide multiple ecosystem services. Beyond the physical boundary of city, Sponge City is a philosophy of designing a resilient planet across scales. And it starts with home, my own home that is physically made of roof, walls and floors.

The Economics of Vertical Farming

Henry Gordon-Smith

AVAILABLE NOW! Urban agriculture has the potential to be a significant factor in adapting to the changing climate. Developers and property owners are beginning to recognize the potential of using these otherwise unused spaces. In this presentation, we examine successful transformations of rooftops into urban farms.

The Rotterdam Roofscape

Eveline Bronsdijk

AVAILABLE NOW! Eveline Bronsdijk, City of Rotterdam Sustainability Advisor, is one of our esteemed Keynotes and visits some of her city's most interesting rooftops. Rotterdam has a potential of 18,5 km2 flat roofs. With our multifunctional roofscape program we aim to implement multifunctional solutions for the challenges we face to add value and quality to the city. This integrated approach includes adaptation, mitigation, urbanisation, biodiversity, housing and mobility by means of stakeholder inclusion. Typical for the Rotterdam approach is that we do it together with the people of our city by means of a positive approach.


2019 Top 10 List of Hot Trends in Greenroof & Greenwall Design

Linda S. Velazquez, ASLA, GRP, LEED AP

AVAILABLE NOW! Now in its 13th year, the highly popular series "Top 10 List of Hot Trends in Greenroof & Greenwall Design" will once again feature outstanding living architecture projects and people for 2019 involved in creating green infrastructure to cool a warming planet.

A Paradigm of Urban Naturation as a Building Material

Joaquín Sicilia

AVAILABLE NOW! The focus will be on the context development, evaluation, and the creation of a public vertical space in a special way. Shown are a series of paradigmatic cases by the author himself, in particular, the Bioclimatic Architecture and Urban Agriculture Laboratory (LABAU) in Madrid.

Al Shaheed Park - Kuwait

Haifa Al Muhanna

AVAILABLE NOW! Al Shaheed Park is Kuwait’s historical, environmental and cultural platform with cutting-edge architecture and artwork. Providing the public with high quality programs, events and spaces, part of its mission is to spread awareness and to educate the public on the importance of the country’s land, history and environment. Al Shaheed Park is also one of the largest overstructure greenroofs in the world at about 75,000 m2.

An Inspirational Rooftop Rollercoaster: 5 Years Rotterdam Rooftop Festival

Léon van Geest

AVAILABLE NOW! Léon takes you on an inspirational rollercoaster of rooftop uses shown at the rooftops during the Rotterdam Rooftop Festival. Expect loads of spectacular images with examples of things which were done on rooftops you didn’t think of yet.

Bees & Pollinators - Low Maintenance Rooftop Hives

Ian Horvath

AVAILABLE NOW! Rooftop Urban Bees are a growing trend across the United States and many cities have repealed 100 year old laws to not only allow for urban beekeeping but encourage it! In this talk we will explore the growing movement of Rooftop Urban Bees, how to get started, things to avoid, benefits and drawbacks.

Cool the City Cool the Blood

Jana Söderlund, PhD

AVAILABLE NOW! Temperature affects human behaviour. Research shows that when temperatures increase so do the number of violent crimes and domestic violence. Recognising this potential for biophilic elements (natural forms, patterns, places, materials, greenery) to bring both cooling physical integration and human connection and values, solves the problem of urban heat and human disconnect resulting from underutilised spaces and incompatible built elements.

Cubriendo la Ciudad de Verde con ARVE (The Greening of Peru with ARVE)

Vivi Modonese

AVAILABLE NOW! Watch and learn about some of the greening efforts in Lima, Peru from one of the country's leaders of vertical greening.

Designing the Gowanus Canal Sponge Park

Susannah C. Drake, FASLA, AIA

AVAILABLE NOW! Susannah C. Drake, FASLA, AIA is the founding principal of DLANDstudio Architecture and Landscape Architecture pllc, an interdisciplinary practice with offices in New York and Colorado. DLANDstudio’s projects include RPA Bight Coastal Urbanism, Gowanus Tanks Park, QueensWay, MoMA Rising Currents, BQGreen, and Gowanus Sponge Park.

EXPO Day: #VirtualSummit2019 Sponsor Live Q & A with Elizabeth Hart Morris of Henry

Elizabeth Hart Morris, CDT, GRP

Join us on Wednesday, January 22, 2020 at 2:00 EST as we speak via Zoom in a Live Q & A with #VirtualSummit2019 Elizabeth Hart Morris of Henry Company in Portland, OR!

EXPO Day: #VirtualSummit2019 Sponsor Live Q & A with Kelly Luckett of Green Roof Blocks

Kelly Luckett, GRP

Join us on Wednesday, January 22, 2020 at 1:00 EST as we speak via Zoom in a Live Q & A with #VirtualSummit2019 Sponsor Kelly Luckett of Green Roof Blocks in St. Louis, MO!

Feeding Cities: Fixing Cities

Chris Jones

AVAILABLE NOW! Moving towards a (largely urban) global population of 9 billion+, we need to be creative in how we responsibly provide quality food for all. This video will focus on the possibilities for integrating urban food production into our existing urban areas and took a look across this diverse field from indoor climate-controlled food factories, to rooftop soil-based farms, vertical façade food systems, container-based techniques and public realm interventions.

Future Challenges for Multifunctional Urban Green Infrastructures

Isabel de Felipe, PhD & Julian Briz, PhD

AVAILABLE NOW! We focus the topic with a GLOCAL strategy, a GLOBAL view (planet and living architecture) and LOCAL action (project and people). The urbanization process is increasing in the last decades, and 70% of human population is living in cities. The actual urban model is not sustainable due to socioeconomic, environmental, and health problems among others.

Green Facades – The Benefits of Informed Design

Geoff Heard

AVAILABLE NOW! This presentation focuses on the “Air Movement Study” of a Fytogreen Australia green façade project, Platinum Apartments, located in Melbourne, Australia. We discuss the project, the design and research required to achieve BCA compliance for passive ventilation in the car park, and highlight the importance of professional ongoing maintenance to sustain the required results.

Green Roofs and Walls in Europe

Dusty Gedge

AVAILABE NOW! Dusty Gedge is the European Federation of Green Roof Associations (EFB) President & Founder. This presentation titled "Green Roofs and Walls in Europe" was conducted at the 1st International Conference on Green Technologies Urban Sustainability, held on July 20, 2019 at S.Paulo Center, São Paulo - Brazil.

Green Walls and Green Roofs in Arid Egyptian Climates

Sherif Hosny

AVAILABLE NOW! Sherif Hosny is a Schaduf Principal. What started with a small scale rooftop farming endeavor has quickly evolved into a major design and technology hub with innovations in landscape architecture, farming, vertical gardening, and a variety of sustainability driven products and services across the Middle East and Africa.

Green Your Laneway Pilot Project

Cathy Oke, PhD

AVAILABLE NOW! We’ve been doing a few projects in Melbourne that will hopefully help us to increase our green roofs and walls across our City. One of these projects was a pilot program for greening laneways. You can see some of these projects at our short video where you'll find street trees, rain gardens, planters, green facades and green walls.

Himalayan Vertical Gardens: Windows of Nature

Iñigo Iriarte

AVAILABLE NOW! People are migrating to cities more than at any other point in history. In an effort to accommodate so many inhabitants, trees are cut down and green areas are vanishing. This video speaks about how, with creativity and persistence, it’s possible to find green solutions in any environment.

Il Giardino Verticale & l'Alternanza Scuola Lavoro Tetto Verde Sperimentale del Liceo Giovanni Keplero di Roma (The Vertical Garden & Alternative School Work on the Experimental Green Roof of the Giovanni Keplero High School of Rome)

Antonio Vestrella, PhD & Roberto Casalini, PhD

AVAILABLE NOW! Along with both professors and several students, the design and installation of the Liceo Scientifico Giovanni Keplero Green Wall in Rome, Italy is highlighted in the first video followed by the design and installation of the Liceo Scientifico Giovanni Keplero Experimental Green Roof in the second video - in Italian with English subtitles.

Little Green Roofs on the Prairies

Kerry Ross, LEED AP, GRP

AVAILABLE NOW! As with any innovation or new technology, change from initial interest to adoption takes time and relies upon various conditions to reach widespread uptake. Small-scale green roofs have the capacity to introduce and connect a community to a more ecological way of building, demonstrating their beauty and functionality.

Luck Dog’s Grass Shack in Minnesota

Kally Goschke & Luck Dog

AVAILABLE NOW! Luck needed shelter during winter and summer and a manager's office after his long days working the cows on the farm. His people, the Goschke's, have various skills: Steve has building skills and Kally has horticulture and design skills. The video and slide show present the features and steps of construction of his entire house, including the green roof.

MYCOCYCLE: Converting Waste Streams into Value Streams followed by BOOTSTRAPPING IN AMERICA Interview

Joanne Rodriguez, CSI, CDT, LEED AP

AVAILABLE NOW! Joanne Rodriguez is GreenStructure Founder & Multi-disciplinary Environmental Consultant. She has two decades of experience working within the building products and construction communities, with an emphasis on sustainable building impacts and high performance building envelope assemblies.

Nadie Busca Líderes, Busca Inspiradores (Nobody Looks for Leaders, We Look for Inspirers)

Ignacio Solano

AVAILABLE NOW! Ignacio Solano is Paisajismo Urbano Founder, Biologist & Author. He is an expert in biological interactions and the founder of Paisajismo Urbano, a design and installation company with over 100 vertical gardens constructed (over 100,000 m²). Look for cool jungles and forests, beautiful projects, and his heartfelt message of connecting to the Earth with sustainable design and information sharing.

RiverSmart Rooftops 2.0: Green Roofs in the District of Columbia

Walter K. Caldwell

AVAILABLE NOW! In order to maintain the highest standards for water quality for the Anacostia, Potomac Rivers, and their tributaries, the District of Columbia has enacted Stormwater Management Regulations. The increased use of Green Roofs to meet stormwater and water quality goals presents a unique set of challenges for construction and maintenance for developers, engineers, architects, regulatory officials and the eventual occupants. Examples will be shown along with current DOEE financial incentives to install green roofs and New Stormwater Management Regulations.

In Case You Missed These: Editors Picks

A few timely videos we found online that we highly recommend for
"Cooling a Warming Planet with Living Architecture"

Greta Thunberg and George Monbiot make short film on the climate crisis

Harrison Ford | 2018 Global Climate Action Summit

How Green Roofs Can Help Cities

The Urban Green

This Is Your Brain on Nature | Nat Geo Live

Roof garden pumps clean air, green ideas into Venezuelan university

Cubierta ajardinada de GF Victoria

Biophilic Cities Promo

CNN Going Green | Mr Alan Lee of Elmich Pte Ltd

Climate: Nature-based solutions for climate change mitigation and adaptation in Paris Region

What Can Be Saved?

Urbanism, architecture and biodiversity: when nature inspires cities and buildings

Blasts from the Past: Previous Notable Virtual Summit 2011-2017 Speaker Videos Updated Weekly

They're new if you haven't seen them! Reminisce or learn something new from these esteemed colleagues, and see all the Virtual Summit Playlists from: 2011, 2013, 2015, and 2017.

2011: Gardens by the Bay, Singapore Keynote Address by Andrew Grant

2011: Sky Meadows - Integrating People and Nature: Sustainable Green Roofs and Roof Gardens by Dr. Nigel Dunnett

2013: Bioarchitecture [English Subtitles] Keynote Address by Javier Senosiain

2013: Skyrise Ag: 5 Ways to Local Food Production by Helen Cameron, Mohamed Hage, George Irwin, Ben Flanner and Alan Joaquin

2015: Biosolar Roofs by Nathalie Baumann and Dusty Gedge

2015: A Higher Purpose - Benefits to Human Health and Education through Green Roofing by Elizabeth Hart (Morris)

2017: FOOD ROOF Farm: Grow Food, Grow Community by Mary Ostafi

2017: The Land in the Sky: The Rooftop Garden at Native Child and Family Services of Toronto by Kelsey Carriere

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