

Linda S. Velazquez, ASLA, GRP, LEED AP

Greenroofs.com Founder/Publisher & Sky Gardens Design Consultant

The #VirtualSummit2019 has excellent, thought-provoking Speakers from 6 continents to broaden our experience and increase engagement with Living Architecture & Green Infrastructure:

We’re showcasing experience from 27 innovative contributors from Australia, Belgium, Canada, China, Egypt, France, Kuwait, Italy, Nepal, the Netherlands, Peru, Spain, Switzerland, the UK, and the U.S. who’ll inspire us to Discover, Network & Share.

Watch and learn about the latest projects and climate mitigation developments in vegetated building envelopes and public spaces worldwide, and interact with avant-garde architects, landscape architects, designers, educators, and leaders of government who have captured the essence of living with nature.

Join our host of fellow influencers from around the world LIVE during our social networking events including Speaker Q & As in mid December and mid January 2020!

Welcome to the #VirtualSummit2019!  Watch our Speakers NOW.

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Keynote Speakers

Eveline Bronsdijk

City of Rotterdam Sustainability Advisor

Adriana Caldarelli

Water Environment Federation Stormwater Institute Director

Nora Danko

City of Antwerp Urban Greening Initiatives Coordinator, Energy and Environment & Landscape Architect

Rafael L. Espinal, Jr.

New York City Council Member for District 37

Henry Gordon-Smith

Agritecture Founder and Managing Director & Sustainability Strategist

Kongjian Yu

Turenscape Founder & Landscape Architect; Peking University Professor and Founding Dean of College of Architecture and Landscape

Featured Sponsor Speakers

Elizabeth Hart Morris, CDT, GRP

Henry Company Director of Vegetated Roofing Assemblies & Green Roof Info Think-tank (GRiT) President


Haifa Al Muhanna

Al Diwan Al Amiri Civil Engineer & Landscape Designer & Head of Al Shaheed Park Center

Julian Briz, PhD

Polytechnic University of Madrid Professor and Researcher, PRONATUR Founder & President, WGIN Board Member

Walter K. Caldwell

District Department of Energy and the Environment Environmental Protection Specialist and Chief of the Construction and Maintenance Branch

Roberto Casalini, PhD

Liceo Scientifico Giovanni Keplero di Roma Professor

Isabel de Felipe, PhD

Polytechnic University of Madrid Associate Professor, itdUPM & PRONATUR Board Member

Susannah C. Drake, FASLA, AIA

DLANDstudio Architecture and Landscape Architecture, University of Colorado Boulder Associate Professor, Architect & Landscape Architect

Dusty Gedge

European Federation of Green Roof Associations (EFB) President & Livingroofs.org Founder

Kally Goschke & Luck Dog

Homeowner & Cow Herding Dog

Geoff Heard

Fytogreen Australia Managing Director

Ian Horvath

The Honey Bee Society Co-founder and President

Sherif Hosny

Schaduf Principal

Iñigo Iriarte

Nepal Vertical Gardens Founder, Artist, Agricultural Engineer

Chris Jones

KuiperCompagnons and Drawdown Switzerland Landscape Designer & Consultant Sustainable and Circular Economy Based Urbanism

Kelly Luckett, GRP

Green Roof Blocks Owner

Vivi Modonese

ARVE Perú Business & Marketing Manager

Cathy Oke, PhD

City of Melbourne Councillor, ICLEI First Vice President & University of Melbourne Senior Enterprise Fellow

Joanne Rodriguez, CSI, CDT, LEED AP

GreenStructure Founder, Mycocycle Founder & CEO and Multi-disciplinary Environmental Consultant

Kerry Ross, LEED AP, GRP

Green T Design Principal & Green Roof Advocate

Joaquín Sicilia

Sicilia & Asociados Arquitectura Founder & Director, Architect, PRONATUR Vice President

Jana Söderlund, PhD

Biophilic Designer, Presenter, Educator, Academic Author & Biophilic Cities Australia Chair, Director of Biophilic Solutions and Design by Nature, Green Roofs Australasia Director

Ignacio Solano

Paisajismo Urbano Founder, Biologist & Author

Léon van Geest

Rotterdamse Dakendagen Director, Moderator & BIG IDEA Foundation Co-director and Founder

Linda S. Velazquez, ASLA, GRP, LEED AP

Greenroofs.com Founder/Publisher & Sky Gardens Design Consultant

Antonio Vestrella, PhD

Leonardo da Vinci Agricultural Institute Professor and Giardini & Paesaggi Principal

Virtual Summit 2019 Sponsors